Summer Dearth
July | August | September
Signs of the Season
Daytime temperatures above 95°F.
Sparse flower bloom.
Low rainfall.
Activity in the Hive
Brood-rearing declines.
Bee population declines.
Varroa population peaks.
Nurse bees that rear the winter bees are produced.
Nectar and honey stores decline.
Beekeeper’s Checklist
[ ] Monitor honey stores; minimum 10 frames per hive.
[ ] Aggressively feed sugar water if inadequate honey stores.
[ ] Inspect hives regularly and take quick action to fix problems.
[ ] Monitor pollen stores; minimum 2 frames per hive.
[ ] Ensure bees have a nearby, constant water source.
[ ] Feed pollen patties if inadequate pollen stores.
[ ] Split hives; final opportunity.
[ ] Test all hives for varroa monthly and treat as necessary.
[ ] Replace failing queens; final opportunity for mating.
Potential Problems
Harvested too much honey – need to feed sugar water.
Weak hive – combine with a strong hive.
Failing queen – source new queen or combine with a strong hive.
Decisions / Considerations
How will I keep varroa levels low now?
Is the hive strong enough to keep wax moths and hive beetles in check?
Did I make the right/enough enough splits to help control swarming?
What do I need to learn to be a better beekeeper next year?