Spring Buildup & Honey Flow
February | March | April | May | June
Signs of the Season
Evening temperatures above 50°F.
First pollen sources and early nectar flowers appear.
Bees seem to be everywhere as they search for food.
Bees line up at your external pollen feeder.
Bees coming/going faster than can be counted at the hive entrance.
Activity in the Hive
Brood rearing starts and quickly ramps up.
Total bee population increases from 10,000 (1 box) to 50,000 (5 or more boxes).
Drones appear as the colony population increases.
Bees draw comb on new empty foundation.
Swarm queen cells may appear along frame bottom bars.
Swarm may issue from a hive taking 30-70% of the bees with the old queen.
Beekeeper’s Checklist
[ ] Remove hives that died during the winter – determine cause of death.
[ ] Be ready to add boxes to hives utilizing the stored comb frames.
[ ] Inspect hives regularly and take quick action to fix problems.
[ ] Fill external pollen feeder until bees no longer collect it.
[ ] Combine queenless hives with strong hives.
[ ] Remove entrance reducers.
[ ] Consider splitting hives for increase and to reduce swarming.
[ ] Test all hives monthly for varroa and treat as necessary.
[ ] Prepare for a honey harvest with proper equipment and legal labels.
[ ] Attend TBA Summer Clinic to improve beekeeping skills.
Potential Problems
Queen loss over winter – combine with strong hive or requeen.
Monitor queen quality and laying pattern – quickly replace failing queens.
Secondary pests (wax moths and hive beetles) – have controls ready.
Varroa increases with brood production – have controls ready.
Decisions / Considerations
When will I split my hives, and what will I do with the increase?
Where will I get queens? (purchase, rear, walk-away)
What will I do with the honey production?
Will I collect and utilize other products from the hive?