Youth Scholarship
The recipient of this scholarship will be provided equipment consisting of:
a standard woodenware hive body with frames and foundation,
two honey supers with frames and foundation,
a screened bottom board,
an inner cover,
a telescoping outer cover,
a nucleus of honey bees with queen,
and the necessary beginner’s equipment to start the beekeeping project (hat, veil, gloves, hive tool, and bee smoker).
The recipient will also receive the additional benefit of:
beginning beekeeping classes for both the parent/guardian and student (approx. 20 hours, which includes both classroom and hands-on; free registration and textbook);
a one-year membership in the Denton County Beekeepers Association (DCBA);
mentoring by a DCBA member throughout the year;
free extraction time for the student’s first honey crop during the scholarship year;
a yellow “Worker Bee” t-shirt, to be worn at all activities when representing the club.

The recipient will be required to:
attend all beginning beekeeping classes (both the student and parent/guardian;
attend at least 8 of the DCBA monthly meetings between the January and the December meetings;
write a brief paragraph of introduction about themselves by January 31 for the Denton website;
present a short progress report of their beekeeping activities (hive report) monthly;
research and present a honey bee related topic to an audience;
write a follow up report of researched topic to be placed on the club website by the 21st of the month of their presentation; and
help facilitate the regular monthly meetings by assisting in various roles.
Upon successful completion of all requirements, a Certificate of Completion and full ownership of the colony and the equipment will be presented at the December Banquet.
Ready to apply for the scholarship?
Or, Email us for more info at: YouthScholarship@dentonbees.com