Autumn Preparations
October | November
Signs of the Season
Evening temperatures below 50°F.
Limited flower bloom.
Activity in the Hive
Brood rearing declines/stops.
Drones removed from the hive.
Long-lived winter bees produced.
Final honey flow.
Beekeeper’s Checklist
[ ] Perform last varroa measurement before winter.
[ ] Decide to harvest honey or leave it for winter feed.
[ ] Ensure honey stores are at least 50 pounds per hive.
[ ] Feed sugar water if inadequate honey stores.
[ ] Look for some pollen – one or two frames.
[ ] Remove totally empty drawn-comb frames.
[ ] Discard empty comb frames older than 3-5 years.
[ ] Store empty comb with “para-moth” or in a freezer.
[ ] Condense hive to two or three boxes.
[ ] Arrange boxes and frames with pollen and nectar frames on bottom and honey on top
[ ] Remove queen excluders.
[ ] Install entrance reducers (smallest opening).
[ ] Attend TBA annual meeting and educational seminars.
Potential Problems
Robbing behavior – install entrance reducers
Weak hive – combine with a strong hive.
Decisions / Considerations
Are there enough bees (at least 20 frames) to cluster?
Where will I store removed empty comb?
Which hive had the best queen so I can use her in queen rearing?